Level 7
since ‎03-02-2012

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I am having issues with the PCI-E Slot 3 on the RIVE (black slot). It doesn't seem to like me using it when I have SLI enabled on slots #1 and #4. I haven't done much troubleshooting with different devices, but I thought the issue was related specifi...
I have seen a couple threads with something similar to this issue (like here), where the system is fairly unstable after coming out of sleep. Most of them point to the RAM being an issue. I have ran tests on my Memory with the result of no errors, bu...
I didn't want to highjack someone else's thread so I'm starting my own. I initiated a technical inquiry with vip.asus.com, but all they told me to do was uninstall SmartDoctor or GamerOSD, which have nothing to do with this card. I've never even inst...