Update after 2 weeks since the fix: still running strong, silent most of the time, performance top-notch. Never had a single shutdown or reboot.It is now the dream machine it should be from the beginning!
Hello to all, I finally solved all my shutdown problems (see a my previous posts in this and other thread), my laptop is now working as expected.To recap what happened to my laptop: my laptop suddenly shutdown without any warning, Using CPUID HWMonit...
Hi Anbby,I'm sending in private the requested info.The system is unstable and getting worse and worse, now with AMD and NVIDIA certified Asus driver the system will shutdown also when browsing internet and/or watching youtube video. To be able to wri...
The Nvidia driver certified by AMD does not solve the problem, tried again right now and had a sudden shutdown (black screen, laptop completely switched off) as soon as I opened this firefox page. Cannot find a way to rollback the AMD driver that is ...