Level 7
since ‎10-05-2012

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My Skype will only sometimes (sometimes with or without 2nd monitor plugged in) do this weird thing. I'm on an Asus G750 JX.Picture of it: http://imgur.com/5xGYGOLAny help would be appreciated! :3
I don't want to overclock the AMD Mobility Raedon 4200 a lot, just a little to squeeze a little more performance out of it. I've tried MSI afterburner, and it says I can't speed it up any more.
I have been doing research, and I think that this is a good build. Anyone have any advice on how this is?Sorry that I don't have a specsheet, and have only URLs.Motherboard: http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16813131854&nm_mc=KNC-Go...