Anyone having issue overclocking i know it came out yesterday but mainly o just want to be abled to use 6000mhz of ram rather than the low amounts set by defaults
So I set a timer and let it go till it booted it may take longer than other it’s just depends I’ve read up on it ant apparently someone claimed it took them 15 mins and to answer your question it booted on its own with no interference from me also si...
Update to this thread to hopefully help others with this issue after applying my overlock settings and letting the pc sit it took exactly 5 min 37 seconds for my pc to boot with the applied setting all setting work as set and boots after the initial ...
I’ll try this when I get home but does it take that long to boot every time after you have made the changes and it’s cycled once what I’m saying is it a one time thing or is it after every power cycle
I’ve tried manually setting ram and also manually setting timings to the same as EXPO nothing I try seems to work. I’m thinking maybe the next bios update can fix this issue but it Sucks paying extra money for high speed ram and being locked to 3200