Level 7
since ‎11-14-2015

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I am quite the procrastinator so this happened 2018 but i am still annoyed today and can't accept the fact that i fried my G20 with my Huawei P10lite.Is there a way to find out what exactly got destroyed or even repair it yourself. I can remember tha...
(i wrongly postet in another part of the Forum and hopefully I get an answer here=Is the mainboard a specialized part for the G20 or is there a way to upgrade the mb with something new?
Is the mb a specialized part for the G20 or is there a way to replace the g20aj mb with something like in the new cb series?
I found some threads here to. When playing games, i sometimes have an automated restart and the screen turns black and my monitor is losing the signal.Restarting over and over seems not to solve the problem - usually i have to wait for 10 minutes.Fir...