Level 7
since ‎06-19-2015

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Windows 10 seems to a be total crap for the G751 series. Particularly the Intel VGA drivers. At least 3 times a week I'm getting a blue screen while doing normal desktop things (Office, browsing, coding, watching movies, etc)After testing and researc...
G751JMSo, the sound is great when the speaker volume is below 30%. Anything above and the sound starts cracking up (specially high range sounds).I have drivers installed (from 26/5/2015).Any solution to this?
This seems weird to me.I have an external Philips 234E IPS monitor in addition to the G751 screen.It all works great and as expected, except for 1 thing:Every time I plug in the HDMI cable and extend the desktop to the Philips screen the color satura...