Hello everybody! I have a problem. Recently i bought a new notebook: Asus tuf gaming f15 FX506HCB-HN1138 which could use 3200 Mhz frequency speed. (because it is written on the website + the processor of the 11th generation + it had 3200 MHz RAM from the factory) After that, i bought one kingston ram, and add to second slot. Then I check ram speed, and that was 1330, but not 1600. Then i removed new ram and check ram from factory, which came with the laptop, and i see again 1330. I was very upset. After that, i checked different forums and decided to replace the ram with two SODIMM Kingston HyperX Impact [HX432S20IB2K2/16] 16 ГБ. And when i checked my ram with Hwinfo and CPU-z, then i see just 1330 Mhz, not 1600. Can some one help me, what can be problem? I am so tired to find different information about my problem. In the bios (FX506HCB.304 version) there are not any function to control ram. The warranty has fallen off when i opened notebook cover to switch ram(. I atach screenShots, please help me guys!