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Asus FX504GM freezing issue

Level 7
Laptop was bought on 31st aug, and it all started on sep 1st when i'm using the laptop. It freezes randomly whenever i played games, dota2, gta v, path of exile...Sent it to the service centre 4 times but still same problem. They'd already replaced my mobo twice, speakers, keyboards, reapplied thermal, DC-cable (according to them), HDD (because it got bad sector due to constant freezing), SSD (the OS). And clean install windows every single time.

So, actually i'd just received the laptop back from them on 16/11/18 around 2-3pm (GTM+8). The reason I'd sent it back to them because of the same freezing issue plus suspected cause of freeze, which is the audiodg.exe stopped working (and this 4th time they replaced my speaker, keyboard and SSD). When I checked on the spot, I noticed the same problem is still there and asked them what was the problem still there? The technician told me audiodg.exe stopped working is normal and same all across FX504GM series.

And what about the "Windows was not properly shut down critical error" in Windows Reliability Monitor? and Kernel-Power error in event viewer? It even happened after they'd reformatted and reinstalled Windows. Moreover it happened twice, once on 15-11-18 and another one was on 16-11-18 9:14am. Which was the same day I'd went to collect my laptop. I asked the technician for explanation and he told me that the log was generated randomly when you restart the laptop normally, there's nothing to be worried about. He even showed me another guy's laptop which was the same model but also having "Windows not properly shut down" error plus Kernel-Power error and audiodg.exe stopped working. And he told me that, that guy did not complained about freezing issue when he sent his laptop in for repair.

From my understanding, windows reliability monitor draws its data from event viewer right? And Kernel-Power 41 error in event viewer is generated because of improper shutdown, like long-pressing the power button (in my case was due to freezing but had no other choice) or sudden loss of power. The technician there was telling me that: "you're seeing this because it's absolutely normal and was generated randomly (may or may not happen) after restarting the laptop in a normal fashion. And after I formatted your laptop and ran test using it, it did not freeze whatsoever".

The thing is could this be the case? Or was he straight up lying to me?

The other thing about this was, he kept on telling me to record a video to show to them even though I explained to the finest detailed how it freezes and described the condition the laptop was in after freezing (like no sound, fan spinning, no keyboard mouse input including caps lock not working etc). Heck, they had repaired my laptop 3 times, the other 1 time was same service centre but in different location. The 2nd time they playtested and repaired it, it totally freeze when I asked them to play dota 2 and they already experienced it first-hand before.. And now the technician kept asking me to take videos when it freezes...LoL. It makes me feel like either he doesn't understand english or he's just not professional enough...

For the most recent repair, I'd asked them to play dota 2 and gta v, especially dota 2, they said they did not experience any freezing issue at all. But when i confirmed again with them they told me they did not really playtest dota2 instead games that are similar to dota2....According to them, it did not freeze before formatting and after formatting (even though i already told them sometimes one whole day also it would not freeze at all, but sometimes randomly it will freeze 3-5 times per day).

Since the 3rd repair, I did not even dare to install antivirus and antimalware. I'd also contacted microsoft and did in-place repair by media creation tool, clean boot etc... And starting from the 3rd and 4th repair, after i got it back from them, I ran sfc/scannow and there's always corrupted windows file found (but was able to fix them). Even though they clean installed windows all reinstalled windows and Asus software. I'd tried asking them to do a RAM test separately, remove the add-on RAM and test with just the built-in RAM and test the add-on RAM afterwards. What they told me was: "We already did RAM test using ASUS's TOOLS! and if it shows no problem we cant do anything for you"... He kept insist and said that even though I plead him to do the RAM test on separate occasions (1 build-in 8GB RAM + they other 8GB RAM i bought together with the laptop at the retail).

At this stage I'd no choice to but to suspect the RAM. Even though i did do a memtest86 using v7.5 but it had only 4 passes and there were no problems found. I am hesitant to remove the RAM by myself because there's a sticker glued to one of the screw on the bottom-side of the laptop saying if i remove it warranty will be voided. What could be done at this stage? because I will not sent it back to them again, as I'd already spent 1/4 of the warranty period fixing it and still the freezing issue persisted. And they way they kept asking me to take video of the process until it freeze is totally absurd in my opinion. As well as what the technician told me about "Windows was not properly shut down" thingy was normal one and during the whole process he did not experience any freezing issue...( so meaning windows is not generating false positive logs or what?....)

Should I remove the external RAM and playtest for one week? Or is there anyway to run memtest86 v 7.5 for more than 4 passes? Or could the freezing be caused by Windows version 1803 ???

Sorry for such a long post...Would appreciate any advice given. Thanks.

Edit: Everytime it freezes, battery light went off few seconds then turned back on, becoming ORANGE color. Airplane mode LED light was lit also. HDD light is off. Does this mean anything?