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After return and reparation , my TUF 17 keyboard is showing only red light.

Level 7

At the beginning I thought it had to do with a faulty armoury crate install. so I tried all the usual fixes. went as far as reseting my whole windows install. 

Turns out even when I change color it shows only the part of the specter thatt si red meanning if I use a color that has no red in it it doesn't light up at all ! 

Any idea on this ? 

Tried Ghelper and it gives the same result. It's killing me since it's my secondary work laptop and red isn't the most eye-resting color, and I really don't want to send it Back.


Edit: after searching aFound this and it solved my Problem , I'll leave it here in case someone else can't figure it out : [Notebook/AIO/Gaming Handheld] How to Reset Embedded Controller (EC Reset), Real-Time Clock (RTC), a...