People what happen with ASUS ROG 3800R, when ASUS plan to present monitor?
I don't ask specific date, approximately example Q4 2015, or Q1 2016...

Real next gen monitor and I'm really glad because I didn't replace my 5 years old earlier, plans are in 2016.
When I saw Samsung Curved Screen I mentioned it's only matter of time when ASUS
present something with Curved screen with better specification.
Stands and back side are incredible...
Expensive SLI configuration not allow me gaming on more than 1440p and this would be excellent option for single graphic cards.
Actually if I think better... I never liked some monitor as 3800R...
If someone didn't know ROG 3800R is 34" Curved IPS with G-Sync 21:9
I found only these clips about him. expect to be most wanted monitor in last few years.
60Hz - 60fps x4 AA better than 120fps Disabled AA.