When I boot up my computer my monitor says HDMI 1 no signal and then fades out and appears to go to sleep. I have tried a multitude of different things and have had no luck. My computer was working yesterday(20AUG). I moved and upon hooking it back up and starting it back up I get this horrible no signal message. I have tried rebooting monitor and computer. Unplugging and plugging back in power cables as well as the HDMI cable. Replaced the HDMI cable. Hooked up the monitor to my laptop which then the monitor displays the proper video. However when hooked up to my desktop it says HDMI no signal. The computer appears to be booting up properly I have an A0 Q-code and no red LEDs on the mobo. This is the first computer I have built and put together myself. It has been very reliabe for many months now and this is the first major issue i have run in to. Any help would be appreciated.
Link to specs: