11:30 AM
- last edited on
07:06 PM
07-06-2020 11:19 AM
07-06-2020 12:58 PM
fbajjar wrote:
First, verify that you are n discrete graphics mode not optimus (in armoury crate you have a simple indicator for that, if you see optimus then click on it to change it to discrete graphics and reboot as prompted.)
Second, check your temperatures, from what you have described, there is a high chance that it is the laptop massively overheating and throttling either your GPU or CPU hard to prevent damage.
If it's the temps and your laptop is under warranty i recommend you RMA it ASAP because using the laptop like that could damage the components due to excessive heat.
08-03-2020 10:15 PM
GarudaXx wrote:
Thanks for the response, I am definitely in discrete graphics mode, and my CPU is running at about 95-98 C while gaming, while the GPU is running at around 87-95 C. Are these temperatures enough to be causing the massive throttling?
08-04-2020 12:18 AM
03-12-2021 03:07 PM
03-13-2021 09:25 AM
03-14-2021 04:50 PM
07-07-2020 08:31 PM