I understand that this reduces temps and will help with thermal throttling, but why would any consumer what to buy a product that forces you to do this to get reasonable temperatures? Even after the mod are the temps actually reasonable? a drop of 10C for me would bring my CPU temps down to 87-89C....which still rediculous.
I am on the cusp of returning my GX501GI because temps are so rediculous that it thermal throttles when browsing the internet and streaming Netflix. The repair Asus wants to do is re-apply thermal compund...that isn't going to fix an inadequate cooling solution.
I'm glad this has resolved overheating for some people, but the silicon lottery will dictate who benefits the most from a mod like this, as not everyone is seeing temps as high as 99C in the first place. If your temps are in the high 80s now and you can do this mod in conjunction with a moderate undervolt of the CPU then I think you shold go for it.
Unfortuntely my CPU just won't get the most out of this. Returning for a refund.