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S17 GX703 - terrible experience on Linux, nearly unusable

Level 7
I have a dual-boot setup, Windows for gaming and Linux Mint for work and unfortunately the Linux part is working terribly.

When closing the lid the keyboard doesn't react anymore, requiring forced reboot, sometimes fans turn of in standby creating overheating, battery life is absolutely horrendous, fans ramp up for no reasons, and so on.

The hardware is amazing, but these issues are ruining the usability. Has anyone found solutions to these problems? Doesn't have to be the same distro.

Have you considered running Mint inside of a VM? Or if you only need a few tools WSL is getting better but obviously not the same as a full distro. That way you can still use the Windows drivers for all of the hardware management.
A bus station is where a bus stops. A train station is where a train stops. On my desk, I have a work station…

xeromist wrote:
Have you considered running Mint inside of a VM? Or if you only need a few tools WSL is getting better but obviously not the same as a full distro. That way you can still use the Windows drivers for all of the hardware management.

This isn't really an option because I want to completely separate the two.

I imagine the drivers part regarding the keyboard/fans can't be that big of a deal, the S17 is probably just too niche for them to have bothered.