I have all my power settings to do what they should. When I close the lid, hit the power or sleep button, all of those are set to “go to sleep”. However when I close my lid, I skull hear the CPU running every 30 min or so. My wireless mouse is turned OFF at night, by the power button. This morning I woke up and the laptop was so hot I could barely touch it. The only program that was open in the background was Chrome and the origin app sign on. No games or anything else. The laptop is just a couple weeks old so I haven’t put a whole lot on it yet. I just want to make sure I don’t have a dud. I know that sleeping is not completely **** down and that it will wake up quick, but it shouldn’t be running hot like this. Other mornings it’s not hot like today, but it’s still warm like I had just used it. On a side note, 30 min ago, I chose to put it in hibernate mode and left the lid open and walked away. I just now heard something kick in and run and the keyboard lit up. In hibernate mode, that should not happen. Is this a known type of issue? I’ve read about some other types that have some of this but not my model and not exactly my issue.*