10-08-2024 07:14 PM
I have an Asus ROG Zephyrus S17 laptop. I was using with no problem 3 screen monitors (laptop screen + Asus Screen Monitor through a HDMI port + LG Screen Monitor through a DisplayPort).
So, 2 extra screen monitors.
It was working perfectly, but suddenly the HDMI port just stopped working (no HDMI signal). I tested 3 different HDMI cables. I tested 3 different Screen Monitors, and they all keep giving me the no HDMI signal.
I suppose it has something to do with the "Display Adapters" in the "Device Manager". In the past it had 2 drivers "Intel(R) UHD Graphics" and "NVIDIA GeForce 2070 Super". But now it has only one "NVIDIA GeForce 2070 Super". I don't know why the "Intel" driver disappeared and when. But I know I updated some drivers lately, but now I'm not really sure about which drivers I have installed, because I already reset everything that I could trying to get this HDMI port working.
I'm not sure if it is a Intel Graphics driver or Thunderbolt driver issue. What I know is I can't get to install the original "Intel(R) UHD Graphics" anymore as it was in the past.
Changing ports is not an option, considering all my USB ports are being used.
What could be? How can I fix that? I tried lots of combinations, installing order of drivers, driver support apps, Asus and Intel drivers documentations, but nothing brings my HDMI port back.
I'm pretty sure it has something to do with the fact that now the "onboard" screen is also linked to the NIDIA driver rather than the Intel driver as it should be. So both other ports would be available to the 2 extra monitors.
But I can't set display settings on my Bios setup. For some reason, My SO has no access to the Asus Recover Cloud, so I can't do nothing on the Bios itself regarding Displays.
Can someone help me with this issue?
Can Asus help me to set my computer back to the Factory State, it seems it is the only option?