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G14 2023 RTX 4080 | Display Port to USB-C left vs. right side | Very unexpected Wifi Problems

Level 7

Hi all,

I connected my LG 27GN950 4K screen with the left USB C Port (using a Display to USB C adapter - does not get 144hz via HDMI unfortunately) and Nvidia CP did not recognize the monitor (Windows 11 does!). I figured out that's because the left USB C does not connect to the 4080 gpu but the integrated one. 

I thought: Okay, let's try the right-hand side USB C port. The monitor was recognized by Nvidia CP now because it's directely connected to the 4080. But an interesting thing happened: My Wifi started losing connection and whenever, after a couple of minutes, it managed to reconnect, my down- and upload was at only 10% of what's usually possible. Reconnected to the left one and Wifi works at full speed again.

Does anyone know what the matter might be here? Is it not somehow possible to still connect via the left one so Nvidia recognizes it? (e.g. using armoury crate?). But more importantly: What is that Wifi issue and how could that be fixed? 

I would really greatly appreciate any help and hints on this issue 🙂



Level 11

Most 2022/2023 laptops have a USB C and HDMI port connected to the dPGU (NVidia) and one USB C port to the iGPU (usually AMD). These are normally hardwired connections so you can't do anything about it. Note that this means that if the screen is connected to the integrated chip, it works basically like your laptop display, meaning you can run a demanding application (e.g. a game) on the NVidia card and have it drawn out by the integrated GPU, losing up to about 5% of the potential performance, normally a lot less.

As for the WiFi issue, my first idea is that it sounds like maybe the WiFi card isn't getting enough power if the USB-C is using a lot to run a secondary monitor, which would be a really bad design given that USB C port power output can be limited to allow for the internal components to always function. Could also be a driver issue, especially if you have the MediaTek Wifi card, in which case I recommend trying to update your NVidia and Wifi card drivers.

Level 7

Thank you!

Unfortunately I can't seem to update the Mediatek driver. Windows won't let me saying the best one was already installed. When i tried it manually, the drivers I downloaded were not detected correctly. The version is also only 2 months more recent than the pre-installed ones. 

I might get an ethernet adapter to see if that problem would persist then.

Btw, is there no way to make Nvidia CP detect the monitor connected to the iGPU (left slot)? Because only if it does (right hand slot), i can activate Gsync and e.g. configure games to have my monitor's refresh rate as max FPS, activate HDR, etc. I would be okay to have a slight performance malus. But currently the performance malus is way bigger for some reason. I feel like being able to address that monitor via Nvidia CP could help fix that.

I now tested it with my mobile phone as a hotspot and it worked. So i came across a problem of USB connected devices interfering with WiFi frequences, especially 2,4Ghz (vs. 5Ghz). Now my router was already at 5 Ghz. I switched it to 2,4 / 5 Ghz and the laptop then connected with only 2,4Ghz at a very slow rate again, then aborting the connection. Now that is even weirder to me, especially because my phone as a router worked with the right-hand USB-C Slot. Maybe because my mobile phone is very close and the router is farther away? And the connected Display Port to USB-C somehow interferes with the connection so its range is reduced?!

Man, I am really lost here.