04-22-2023 05:05 AM
So, I have an ROG G15 R7 5800h RTX 3060 16 GB ram
I've noticed that after long-ish game sessions it develops a minor stutter every few seconds, not large stutters they are small but big enough to catch my attention. They go away if I restart the laptop but come back after the same amount of time. (the stutters come even if the laptop is just open without running anything on it)
It also seems to cut wattage to the gpu after playing for the same amount of time, the gpu seems to not want to exceed 60 watts averaging like 30-40, although if I restart the game it goes back to boosting all the way to 130 watts.
Another issue is that to use wifi I have to restart the computer (even if I just opened it) before it shows any wifi connections available and sometimes it just disconnects by itself.
I still have a couple months left on the warranty.
What's going on? Any help is appreciated.