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Strix SCAR II GL504GS Fan Question, Stuck on High for a while?

Level 7
I pre ordered this laptop and have had it for a few weeks now but last night had an issue where the fan was basically stuck on high no matter what I did. I tried turning everything off, rebooted, shut down and restarted.

Today after being off all night it was on high for a while when it started but seems to be working normal again? Has anyone had an issue like this before? I would understand if I was playing a game but I was just on the internet my cpu was 4% ram was 24%

msymeonides wrote:
Been dealing with this for a while, found a fix, see here:

(basically, it's most likely an NVIDIA driver issue)

I did exactly what is described in the article, but the fan is still running on max all the time. Is there anything else you changed on your system? Btw I have a GL504GS.

wow your post is amazing . annd god ideas creation thank yu to your job bro
Coc hack

i have the same problem,
i tried to put of the fan cable and abbatery cable, a reput in it. it worked one time. i tried again but it didnt worked anymore.
i don't know what i can do.
i ask you if you have thought more issue to try.

As the title goes, I'm here to share my experience with the issues we are all facing.

After sending my laptop for a warranty claim, ASUS swapped in a new motherboard on my laptop and only worked properly for about a week before it goes havoc. This time around, it got worse than before. I decided to take the matter in my own hands and it had worked way better than expected. I followed all the steps in this thread along with some other forum threads.

Steps taken:

  • Reconnect the fan headers
  • Discharged my laptop (disconnect any external drivers and charger. Hold down power button for about 20-30s)
  • Reconnect the battery
  • Tighten the heatsink screws (be careful with the warranty sticker, I temporarily removed it and put it back after tightening)
  • Used a gaffe tape (Polyken 512 Vinyl Coated Cloth Gaffer’s Tape) to secure the connectors. Replaced a missing tape on one of the fan connector the technicians forgot to put back located below the m.2 mount.
  • Wrapped an extra layer of gaffe tape around the exposed colored wires of the fan connectors (making it fully covered). I'm hoping this would reduce the "static" interference causing the fans to go haywire.
  • Secured the fan wires by taping it to the PCB to prevent any movement since I am travelling with it often
  • Reinstalled Intel Dynamic Platform and Thermal Framework, updated to BIOS 311 and latest NVIDIA driver
  • Set to Whisper Mode in Geforce Experience (not sure if it plays a role here but trying my luck)

Backup plans:

  • Reapply thermal paste on GPU and CPU with Noctua's thermal grease (had it in hand from previous builds)
  • Send it in for warranty again and hopefully the technicians find another way
  • [AFTER WARRANTY] Apply liquid metal for cooler temps

Steps taken has worked well for me about 2 weeks now. Will keep you guys updated on mine in a month. But do try it out. I did not undervolt my cpu just yet and I will..

iDiabolic wrote:
As the title goes, I'm here to share my experience with the issues we are all facing.

After sending my laptop for a warranty claim, ASUS swapped in a new motherboard on my laptop and only worked properly for about a week before it goes havoc. This time around, it got worse than before. I decided to take the matter in my own hands and it had worked way better than expected. I followed all the steps in this thread along with some other forum threads.

Steps taken:

  • Reconnect the fan headers
  • Discharged my laptop (disconnect any external drivers and charger. Hold down power button for about 20-30s)
  • Reconnect the battery
  • Tighten the heatsink screws (be careful with the warranty sticker, I temporarily removed it and put it back after tightening)
  • Used a gaffe tape (Polyken 512 Vinyl Coated Cloth Gaffer’s Tape) to secure the connectors. Replaced a missing tape on one of the fan connector the technicians forgot to put back located below the m.2 mount.
  • Wrapped an extra layer of gaffe tape around the exposed colored wires of the fan connectors (making it fully covered). I'm hoping this would reduce the "static" interference causing the fans to go haywire.
  • Secured the fan wires by taping it to the PCB to prevent any movement since I am travelling with it often
  • Reinstalled Intel Dynamic Platform and Thermal Framework, updated to BIOS 311 and latest NVIDIA driver
  • Set to Whisper Mode in Geforce Experience (not sure if it plays a role here but trying my luck)

Backup plans:

  • Reapply thermal paste on GPU and CPU with Noctua's thermal grease (had it in hand from previous builds)
  • Send it in for warranty again and hopefully the technicians find another way
  • [AFTER WARRANTY] Apply liquid metal for cooler temps

Steps taken has worked well for me about 2 weeks now. Will keep you guys updated on mine in a month. But do try it out. I did not undervolt my cpu as I want to maximize it's usage from my workloads whenever I'm not at home.

it's almost 90% the fanconnector and the most left side pin that gets disconnected and the problems start.
also undervolting (properly) does not take away horse power from your cpu..
I Have very good 8750h and I can undervolt 180-200mv and my scores stay the same.
The QUALITY of your CPU is the factor that determines how much you can undervolt.

What else I tried: I put aluminum tape on the video card fan connection wire. A ground cover closest to a connector is routed to a mounting screw (with a unique aluminum tape). The healthy one was insulated in a circle with a thin Teflon tape. Since then, the video card fan speed control has become much better.

PowerPein wrote:
What else I tried: I put aluminum tape on the video card fan connection wire. A ground cover closest to a connector is routed to a mounting screw (with a unique aluminum tape). The healthy one was insulated in a circle with a thin Teflon tape. Since then, the video card fan speed control has become much better.

Are you it is teflon tape? or the yellow one the was placed on GPU?

Just wanted to chime in here.

I can confirm the fan connector issue. I've been close to getting insane of this loud and uncontrollable fan.

I opened op the laptop and in my case the left fan connector seemed a bit loose. I reseated it and also tightened the screws for the coolers. Now I can control the fan again from ROG Gaming Center.

It will be interesting to see for how long it will last. Next step will be to reapply thermalpaste and exchange the left fan (GPU).

EfK89 wrote:
Have you guys disable fast boot and then restart or shut down? Most of my issues with the GL503VM dissapeared with fast boot.

I have disabled fastboot but that did not fix the fan problems.

This is so frickin frustrating. I do a power cycle after that "fix" and it's still good, then I leave the laptop off overnight and get it back on, and now the problem is back.