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ROG GL702VM ROG Logo freeze after BIOS Update

Level 8
Ich hatte schon länger Probleme mit meinem Notebook (Power-Button leuchtet, aber nichts tut sich, Display wird nicht hell und LEDs am Displayrücken leuchten nicht - muss den Laptop durch gedrückt halten des Power-Buttons ausschalten, der Laptop schaltet sich daraufhin von allein wieder ein und mit Glück bootet er nach dem 10. mal) und habe bemerkt, dass es schon länger BIOS 310 gibt, mein vorheriges 306 war schließlich noch von 2017. In Erwartung, damit meine Probleme lösen zu können, habe ich das BIOS-File herunter geladen und aus dem BIOS heraus geupdatet - soweit auch ohne Probleme.

Nun hängt der Laptop seit dem Neustart im ROG Logo fest und egal wie sehr ich F2/F10/F12/DEL drücke oder während des Power-Ons gedrückt halte, ich komme nicht ins BIOS.

Hat jemand eine Idee, wie ich wieder normal booten kann und eventuell auch, woher meine ursprünglichen Probleme stammen können? Dachte erst, es wäre inkompatibler RAM, aber egal welches Modul oder Slot, das Phänomen tritt immer mal wieder auf.

I had some problems with my notebook the last couple of months.
When I pressed the power button, the PWR-LED turned on, but the display stayed black, no fans turned on or the back of the display light up.
After holding the power button for 10-15sec the device turned off and on again automatically, after several attempts the device would boot normally.
I thought a BIOS update from 306 to 310 would solve the problem, so I installed it over with the BIOS option and everything went fine.
After the reboot, my device now stays at the ROG logo and does nothing, no POST, no BIOS (but fans turn on after a while).
I can't boot into BIOS either, doesn't matter how hard I hit F2/F10/F12/DEL or which of those I press and hold before powering on the device.

My laptop is basically bricked now, what should I do?

US Customer Loyalty Agent

Do you has a SATA drive connected and can you try to disconnect it as mentioned in the sticky post below for the GL502VS which may be related to your model as well?
Don't know that the original problem you are seeing is related to this post though since customers appear to only report problems with the latest bios version.

Thanks for the reply!
I managed to downgrade my laptop by removing one of my MX500 SSDs (removed the m.2 one) and using a renamed BIOS File (GL702VM.BIN), a FAT32 flash drive and the CTRL+HOME combo at startup. But this is a pretty hard error, how could this slip QA?:mad:

Also I think my problem with the boot comes from my RAM (Samsung M471A1K43BB0-CPB and Crucial CT8G4SFS824A). Is there any combination that definitely works (16 or 32GB)? I can't find an official QVL for memory....

US Customer Loyalty Agent
DK999 wrote:
Thanks for the reply!
I managed to downgrade my laptop by removing one of my MX500 SSDs (removed the m.2 one) and using a renamed BIOS File (GL702VM.BIN), a FAT32 flash drive and the CTRL+HOME combo at startup. But this is a pretty hard error, how could this slip QA?:mad:

Thanks for the update and glad you could find a resolution.
Yes, don't expect to normally hear this kind of issue related to upgrades, but from what I remember, the problem never occurred with any of the hardware configurations shipped by ASUS and only occurs after customers upgrade the units (which are hardware configurations ASUS QA never tested), and apparently the issue just didn't get the attention it deserved early enough, unfortunately.

DK999 wrote:

Also I think my problem with the boot comes from my RAM (Samsung M471A1K43BB0-CPB and Crucial CT8G4SFS824A). Is there any combination that definitely works (16 or 32GB)? I can't find an official QVL for memory....

Unfortunately, we don't normally approve a lot of memory for notebooks, but it also doesn't mean other memory will not work.
If it makes sense and the problem occurs often enough, consider just using one memory module at a time in different slots just to make sure there isn't a defective (or module or slot with dirty contacts?) module or slot.
Not sure how often there are problems to mix memory, but that may be another possibility to investigate if you have an easy way to compare with more memory.

You may already know we approved the 16gb SAMSUNG/M471A2K43BB1-CPB module for the GL702VM but not the Crucial memory although that does not necessarily mean the Crucial memory will not work or the Samsung memory is not defective .

Anyway, the issue may require more investigation and if it makes sense consider asking a store you trust to help investigate.
I don't deal a lot with upgrades myself normally, so you may also want to get more feedback from others or do more investigation.

Well, at least Crucial says they tested the CT8G4SFS824A memory with the GL702VM.
One module of it seems to work fine, did around 50 startups without the issue.
Will order a second one and see if it still keeps working so I can avoid the new BIOS altogether...