Does anyone know how to give feedback on the RoG gaming center that those whom it may concern actually read? I have a GL702ZC (the 8-core, 16 thread AMD beast with RX580) that I use as a SYCL/OpenCL devbox, sysadmin workstation and also game on it at home. I would use an 'End' button ~50-100x a day, and a 'RoG' button once every 2-3 months. Because remapping this key seems like an enourmous hassle (doesn't really behave like a key), I would much rather have the ASUS folk update the firmware so that it may behave like an 'End' key, and the Gaming Center seems like the best place to put that option.
Really, this machine is awesome for developing, running VMs and what not, and the AMD version of the RoG Center is soooo limited, it's borderline useless. More features on that part would be certainly welcome, but an 'End' key is much more important.