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Problem with GL504GM Fan speeds and ROG gaming center

Level 8
I was wondering if anyone could help me with this problem:
I have a ROG strix GL504GM notebook, bought last year in august, and everything was fine until the last month or so, my fan speeds are far too loud. Even when I'm not gaming or doing anything at all my fan is often spinning really fast, and because of that is very noisy. I installed apps like speedfan to monitor my fan speeds but to no avail, it just tells me my temperatures of the cpu and gpu are fine (actually really cold, around 18 degrees). For the gpu it alternates between 0 and 38 degrees. If I open the ROG gaming center app to check my system status I get -32768 degrees for the temperature of my GPU:
which is really weird! It seems there is something wrong with the detection of the temperatures of my cpu and gpu. Anyone knows how to handle this? Do I have to open the notebook up and reconnect the fans or something like that? If yes, is there a detailed step-by-step plan for this?


warmbooter wrote:
I updated everything, nothing solved the problem. For months, I tried to find some "logic" about what triggers the problem, but I couldn't. The only thing that helps is unplugging the cables... too bad it lasts only for 1 month, but it is better than going crazy with the turbine sound in my ear 😞

Right now I'm in contact with the ASUS CEO (from USA) in the hope that he dig more into this problem and give a final solution.

Btw, in my case, it is the GPU fan that goes crazy.

If you are from USA (or at last bought your notebook there), I suggest that you contact the CEO using the following link. Who knows if more people speaks about the problem, ASUS will raise its priority:

We need to do something. This computer is not cheap, and I don't want to spend a lot of money to buy a defective product. We need to get asus to pay attention because this problem is not just in the us. As far as I know, the problem of crazy fans has been found in China, Australia, Europe and other places, which may be a design problem. If this is caused by a design defect and cannot be fixed by an update, I believe asus has the responsibility to recall the defective product and compensate the consumers. Or help us solve this maddening problem.

棽木 wrote:
We need to do something. This computer is not cheap, and I don't want to spend a lot of money to buy a defective product. We need to get asus to pay attention because this problem is not just in the us. As far as I know, the problem of crazy fans has been found in China, Australia, Europe and other places, which may be a design problem. If this is caused by a design defect and cannot be fixed by an update, I believe asus has the responsibility to recall the defective product and compensate the consumers. Or help us solve this maddening problem.

Yep I agree!

wwilcz wrote:
So has anyone found the solution that doesn't require to disassemble the laptop every month?

I've seen on this forum that it's either the CPU fan or the GPU fan that is giving trouble. In my case, it's the CPU one, going constantly at 7800 RPM regardless of settings - checked using the ROG Gaming Center mobile app. The ROG Gaming Center fan overboost utility seems to only impact the GPU fan, going from ~2100 RPM to 2500 RPM in idle. The CPU fan tends to sometime go down to ~2500 RPM without any clear reason, but goes back up to the 7.8k lock after a couple of minutes.

I updated the BIOS - no effect
I reinstalled every ASUS software available including newest versions - no effect
Tried to keep it in battery mode for a longer period - no effect
Enabled a power plan with minimal settings and capped the processing power at 48% - no effect
Used different fan control software - no effect
Reinstalled nVidia drivers and removed GeForce Experience yesterday - went down to 2500 RPM and stayed there for a couple of hours, then out of nowhere went back to 7800 and hasn't gone down for a day now. The only thing that had an effect right after trying and held up through an extended period of time. Didn't change anything software wise since to exclude my tempering.

Yep I did all that as well, with no result... It seems so random: sometimes the fan is quiet for a few hours but then starts spinning up again really loudly (while I'm not gaming or anything). In hindsight I also don't want to throw away my warranty, I think I'll just send this laptop back. With my laptop (GL504GM) it is the right side fan, do you know if that is the CPU or the GPU one?

Level 11
At this point I would just replace the fans and see what happens.

How to fix ROG Gaming Center -32768 degrees
1.Go to NVIDIA Control Panel.
2.Manage 3D settings.
3.Program Setting tab.
4.Click Add and add ROGGamingCenter.
5.On 2.Selected the preferred graphic.... Change to High-performance NVIDIA processor.

But unfortunately,i don't know how to fix fan speed throttling.

Level 8
What I did with mine was:

1. Open up laptop
2. Unplug battery
3. Locate and unplug the fan from the motherboard
4. replug fan cable
5. replug battery
6. close laptop
7 turn on

So far fans seem to still ramp up when gaming, but not as obnoxiously loud as before. I don't know about the thermals though as I haven't checked that one yet but so far I don't see any disruptions when gaming.

anon852 wrote:
What I did with mine was:

1. Open up laptop
2. Unplug battery
3. Locate and unplug the fan from the motherboard
4. replug fan cable
5. replug battery
6. close laptop
7 turn on

So far fans seem to still ramp up when gaming, but not as obnoxiously loud as before. I don't know about the thermals though as I haven't checked that one yet but so far I don't see any disruptions when gaming.

This works for me, but it is temporary... after 1-2 months the problem returns and I have to repeat the process.

Did anyone already try to replace the fan by a new one and see if it solves de problem permanently?

anon852 wrote:
what i did with mine was:

1. Open up laptop
2. Unplug battery
3. Locate and unplug the fan from the motherboard
4. Replug fan cable
5. Replug battery
6. Close laptop
7 turn on

so far fans seem to still ramp up when gaming, but not as obnoxiously loud as before. I don't know about the thermals though as i haven't checked that one yet but so far i don't see any disruptions when gaming.

well what do you know? The issue is back :s

I do one thing. Reset windows ( by it's recovery menu ), Then later install everything back except ROG Gaming center.

I think It does help my machine has no noise again.

PS. I monitoring my machine with Core Temp and I found sometime the cpu is quite hot unreasonably (it may be the cause of your problem). If the issue is persist may be it really means you need to send your machine to find a good solution for temperature issue

Well, it seems that unplugging/plunging the cables doesn't work for me anymore. It helped for some time, but now when I do that, the problem comes back after just 2 days 😞

I'm so frustrated with this notebook and with ASUS support. Now it seems that I will have to buy another notebook and throw this one to the garbage, since probably nobody would be willing to buy such a noisy machine. What a waste of money 😞