Hi everyone. Owner of a GL771J as well as owner of a G71 and of a G750. First post here.
On the G75 and the G750 the kb backlight stays on permanently. That is what I need to happen on the GL771.
The kb backlighting on the GL771 has never worked. The function keys F2 and F3 do show the kb light inscriptions suggesting that that was a feature of that system.
Been through quite a series of threads on this board, tried different 'fixes', none worked.
Tried the Asus Download Center, no ATK nor kb-related drivers are available. The MyAsus method offers to download a driver set for that system however I seriously wince at installing new drivers on a system working well except for that by now **extremely** frustrating kn backlight issue.
Spent more time, hours, searching the Registry with Regedit for any entry in any hive seemingly appropriate; none were found.
Wince at adding Registry keys and values manually.
I certainly will be grateful for any suggestions you can offer.