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[GL753V] Random/Massive Perfomance Drops When Gaming For Large Periods of time.

Level 7
Almost all my games after long gaming sessions experience jarring frame drops by huge ammounts. Games like Warframe which run at a normal 60 - 40fps and around 30 - 25fps with alot of effects will drop me to a random 10fps for no reason. Issue also persists in other less demanding games such as Stardew Valley and The Sims 4.

At first I thought the issue was GPU throttling, but it doesn't apear to be but I'll let the experts decide that. Also thought it was a memory leak too, but used MSI Afterburner to track VRAM usage or CPU usage and it doesn't apear to be that. Restarting the game does seem to resolve the issue for the time.

I am no expert at collecting this information but from surfing the web with other forums posts on issues similar to this I have tried my best to look for an issue.

Would very much appreciate help trying to resolve this.

Level 7
Still need help