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GL752VW-DH74: 0%, plugged in, charging (not really)

Level 7

So thats my problem basically, i have my computer plugged in and it says that is charging, but it never does, just stays in 0%.

I tried the 12hs reset - charging, with no luck, same for uninstalling the charger drivers, when i do this it actually makes the charging animation 5 times and then stops.
I can also add then after a couple of minutes of being plugged in, the orange battery led start to blink instead of being lighted up all the time.

I dont know what else to try, without changing the battery.

Thanks in advance!

Today replaced the battery and all is woking fine it was the battery, Pc bought in 12/11/2017 then only 2 years old the battery and die.

At the end was the battery that was dead. I replaced by a new one and works perfeclty.


Installed a new battery and problem solved. the old battery was dead. almost 3 years lets see the new onw how mamy time live.......