All things keboard and lighting:
1: ATK package (ASUS Keyboard hotkeys Driver V?.?.?.? your version)
2: ROG Aura Core Component (this is a asus app, not available on your support page. It should be in your esupport folder at this location: C: esupport/edriver/software/Win32App/Asus/)
3: ROG Aura Core (windows store app)
4: Aura Lighting Service and or Aura Service (same thing different versions)
5: you might have a keyboard hotfix (support downloads page)
6: Asus Keyboard Hotkeys (windows store app)
All of these should be in your esupport folder or on you support downloads page. (
Uninstall everything (pay attention to the wording of the pop up during your ATK install/uninstall) reboot.
Install in this order:
ROG Aura Core Component (double click the Setup.exe)
ROG Aura Core (windows store app)
Aura Lighting Service (per instructions on your support downloads page, IE: right click run as administrator install.bat file) Be patient sit for four minutes let lighting service fully install.
Keyboard hotfix (if applicable)
Then run Asus Live Update (program) let it update any lighting service or hotfix.
Asus Keyboard Hotkeys (windows store app) REBOOT
Should now have a functioning factory keyboard, lighting and ROG Aura Core app there may be minor discrepancies between our models.