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GL703GE very hot🔥

Level 7
Hi guys! My new asus GL703GE (16gb ram,i7 8750h,gtx 1050ti) running VERY hot on 100% load, cpu temps are around 95C on balanced/performance vents mode. Repasted recently with arctic mx-4 and yes it helps, my temps was ~85-90C. But after 3 days the are back at 95C. I also undervolted (just after I bought a laptop) cpu by -0.140V, but ofc temps wasnt affected, because undervolting just making 8750h more stable.

What should I do? Repaste with liquid metal is kinda risky and (as I know) you have to change it after half a year. Cooling pad can be a solution, but I dont like it, because keyboard will be higher 😞

Pleplerhep wrote:
A little late, but have the exact same model and had the exact same problem, it would hit max temp and throttle down.
I did pretty much as OP asked about, i masked the resistors on the gpu with thin tape and replaced the thermal paste with Coollaboratory liquid pro on both gpu and cpu, now the temps is down to around 75c and no throttling.
It should have been applied from the factory imo, why hardware companies is willing to gamble their reputation with termal paste never made sense to me.
Edit: And where is the idea from that liquid metal needs replacing?? I never replaced it on my 8700k and temps are just fine.

Manufacturers usually play on the safe side. Liquid metal on a mobile device can lead to problems.
Also, cost.

I think all GL models have this problem, they are light and thin, mine is very smooth in throttling so not very noticeable, it goes down to around a GTX1070 MaxQ or oc'd gtx1060 when really hot and up to a gtx1080 MaxQ when cool. I did swap cooling paste and put heat pads on the vrm's (warranty breaker), biggest plus on mine its silent almost all the time except on some games.

But with what i know today i would have bought a G-series not a GL-series. I don't care if it's a kilo heavier i use my laptop as a stationary.

Stpa67 wrote:
I think all GL models have this problem, they are light and thin, mine is very smooth in throttling so not very noticeable, it goes down to around a GTX1070 MaxQ or oc'd gtx1060 when really hot and up to a gtx1080 MaxQ when cool. I did swap cooling paste and put heat pads on the vrm's (warranty breaker), biggest plus on mine its silent almost all the time except on some games.

But with what i know today i would have bought a G-series not a GL-series. I don't care if it's a kilo heavier i use my laptop as a stationary.

I have the gl503ge with same specs as OP and mine stays in 60s/low 70s while gaming...both cpu and gpu.

fluffydelusions wrote:
I have the gl503ge with same specs as OP and mine stays in 60s/low 70s while gaming...both cpu and gpu.

Well probably I have a hotter version of 8750H 😄 .

Pleplerhep wrote:
Edit: And where is the idea from that liquid metal needs replacing??

Some sources recommended to do this every half a year. And yes, as said before, liquid metal could be fatal for notebooks. After some time it may stick very strongly to radiator, so you probabaly will need to heat it well to disassemble (tools like heat gun will help).