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GL702VS - Gsync does NOT work. Misadvertisement? [Video]

Level 7
I have a ROG Swift gsync 144hz monitor. I game with gsync and love it. Screen tearing pisses me off. I notice it easily. On the ROG Swift 144hz monitor gsync is amazing and flawless.

On this GL702vs laptop however, with gsync enabled, the screen tears horribly. Easily seen by panning in any fps or scrolling in StarCraft.
I reinstalled the OS, drivers, same thing. Gsync looks great with my Swift hooked up to the laptop. But using the laptops built in panel it is useless and tears tons.
Any advice?


My laptop, but swapped for a 512gb SSD-
TLDR;Asus ROG Strix GL702 laptop with gsync- the gsync is a lie.

Level 9
What is the refresh rate of your laptops display, and what is the average framerate of the games in question?

I could be mistaken, but I believe that you have to be gaming at or below the refresh rate of the display for G-Sync to work. So if your FPS is above the refresh rate of the display, G-Sync will not work.

G-sync should be capping the FPS smoothly at my display's refresh rate, blissfully rendering each frame as if they were pre-rendered in a pixar film.

Instead its choppy junk everywhere.

BF4 runs stellar completely maxed @ 1080p native, above the 75hz display refresh rate.
Same with on my ROG swift too.

It's broken. I've clean installed drivers, reinstalled OS, etc. The laptop display panel does NOT do g-sync even though it can be toggled on. External gsync monitors work GREAT however.

Level 9
Interesting. On my desktop back home I don't recall GSync capping my fps at 144hz (have an XB241H). I'll have to do some tests when I get home. I'll also test the G-Sync on my GL502VMK (only 60hz) see how it behaves. I'll report back with my findings.

Level 9
Alright so I just got done testing the GSync on my desktop. Definitely doesn't cap my FPS at my monitors refresh rate.

So I decided to do a little digging. Apparently G-Sync used to by default cap your FPS at your monitors refresh rate to prevent you from going out of the variable refresh rate (from here on out I will refer to this as the VRR window) window (aka 1 to whatever your G-Sync displays max refresh rate is). However, it looks like a while back they updated this to not be the case. Now you need to have G-Sync enabled, and also enable V-Sync in the Nvidia control panel. If you don't do this, the GPU will render as many frames as it possibly can even if it exceeds your G-Sync displays maximum refresh rate. When this happens, you no longer get the positive benefits of G-Sync.

So if you wan't it to cap at your max refresh rate, you need to enable G-Sync and V-Sync (under the global properties tab) in the Nvidia control panel. Do not however, enable V-Sync in games.

Sources if you are curious.

Will test on my laptop when I get the chance.

Thank you.

When I enable Vsync AND Gsync, it does not feel "gsyncy". It feels input lagged. I should not have to enable VSYNC for GSYNC to work...

edit: Note, my video on my post clearly shows tearing on the panel, but no tearing on my external monitor. The panel just doesnt gsync apparently, it's a lie.

imidazole0 wrote:
Thank you.

When I enable Vsync AND Gsync, it does not feel "gsyncy". It feels input lagged. I should not have to enable VSYNC for GSYNC to work...

edit: Note, my video on my post clearly shows tearing on the panel, but no tearing on my external monitor. The panel just doesnt gsync apparently, it's a lie.

Hey mate, I just thought of a 3d party solution that keeps you within the G-Sync range (aka under your laptop displays max refresh rate) without introducing the lag associated with V-Sync.

What you do is use the frame rate limiter in a third party program like MSI afterburner. All you do is set the FPS limit to 1 below the display. Mine maxes out at 60fps on my 502 so I set it to 59. As far as I can tell in just some short testing, it appears to be working. When I switch back to my external display (A predator XB241H a 144hz gsync panel) I just disable the fps cap.

Just something you could try if you haven't already. 🙂 From my testing it beats the hell out of the input lag associated with v-sync.

A lot of misconception in this thread regarding what Gsync is and when it is active. Thank Nvidia for being such massive ****s and not making it clear for their community how Gsync works, both with and without Vsync.

Anyway, Gsync doesn't cap your framerate. At all. Gsync merely controls when the monitor does a screen refresh. This, understandably, means that Gsync only operates below the maximum refresh rate of the monitor as anything higher will turn of Gsync.

Vsync, on the other hand, syncs the framerate to the refresh rate of the monitor, ergo caps the framerate. But with a massive input latency penalty.

If you enable Gsync and Vsync together and play at 60 FPS with a 60 Hz monitor then Gsync WILL NOT be in use, and only Vsync (with its additional input latency) will be used.

If you enable Gsync but disable Vsync and play at ~60 FPS with a 60 Hz monitor then Gsync will be enabled whenever the framerate is below 60 FPS, but disabled when it goes above 60 FPS.

So the best solution so far is to use Gsync with a Framerate Limiter of some kind, and below the maximum refresh rate of the monitor with around 2-4 FPS. If the game includes a Framerate Limiter then use that one, otherwise use the one in RivaTuner Statictics Server (RTSS), which is the one MSI Afterburner and its copies uses. At this point enabling or disabling Vsync makes zero difference, so just leave it disabled.

Anyway, Battle(non)sense actually did a video on this very laptop and Gsync this weekend. He noticed that apparently you need to cap the framerate on ASUS laptops' to 56 FPS to guarantee that Gsync is always active. Check his video out here:

The reason you cap the framerate to a couple of framerates below the maximum refresh rate is because Gsync will otherwise turn itself on and off constantly, I believe, which can introduce stuttering and delays in the overall frame pacing of the game.

Level 9
GSync is to make it feel smoother and eliminate tearing when your FPS is below the max refresh rate not when it exceeds the refresh rate. According to what I have read, the old way G-Sync worked it just enabled V-Sync in the background when you were above the refresh rate. So even back then it still worked this way.

If the framerate was above 75 in that video that's why it is tearing. If it was below 75 then G-Sync would kick in. The Swift has a refresh rate of 144, so unless you were above that it would still be using G-Sync. That is why it worked on the Swift and not the laptops display in your video.

Level 7
imidazole0 wrote:
I have a ROG Swift gsync 144hz monitor. I game with gsync and love it. Screen tearing pisses me off. I notice it easily. On the ROG Swift 144hz monitor gsync is amazing and flawless.

On this GL702vs laptop however, with gsync enabled, the screen tears horribly. Easily seen by panning in any fps or scrolling in StarCraft.
I reinstalled the OS, drivers, same thing. Gsync looks great with my Swift hooked up to the laptop. But using the laptops built in panel it is useless and tears tons.
Any advice?


My laptop, but swapped for a 512gb SSD-
TLDR;Asus ROG Strix GL702 laptop with gsync- the gsync is a lie.

I have the same experience with my GL502VS. I had never used a G-sync monitor, so was quite excited to try it on my new laptop, but I didn't see anything different at all. It wasnt until by chance I also enabled V-Sync, that suddenly I realised GTA V looks gorgeously smooth - but also very input laggy. I hate input lag and always have it V-Sync off, so this isn't really an option.

So same for me, I can't have lag free, smooth FPS either, I've since tried a 160hz gsync monitor and it looked amazing, no input lag. The laptop screen doesn't compare. I guess 60Hz Gsync is kinda pointless.