Thanks very much for all your replies, I've bought a cooling pad/desk from Amazon which is doing a great job so far. I have also found a thread which talks about dropping the cpu/gpu voltage to drop temp, worth looking at maybe. I've emailed Asus re. how many channels are used for the 8GB but am awaiting a reply, I might just whip the case off and have a look myself......Could I slot in one stick of 16GB if there is only 1 stick of 8GB there already to make a total of 24 or is it best to upgrade with 2x16GB and max it out?????
Lastly, I now have a gaming mouse and a BT gaming keyboard, made by Madcatz, bought from Amazon for £9.74 in their Amazon warehouse 20% off sale so life is good..
Thanks again for your help I'm sure I'll be back for more advice soon:D:D:D