06:09 AM
- last edited on
12:26 AM
04-02-2018 01:17 AM
TxGrin wrote:
With realbench i never got past 154 deg, 67 c..
04-02-2018 10:03 AM
04-02-2018 01:52 PM
sansandreas wrote:
I'm having trouble getting MSI afterburner to load the provided profile. The 1-5 profiles are greyed out after dropping the file in the folder and unlocking everything as instructed and also googling various fixes (to no avail). I'd rather not edit the curve myself. Any ideas?
04-03-2018 10:24 AM
StarJack wrote:
On Page 82 I posted the solution to this:
You'll notice Afterburner is creating a profile file with the exact same name as the downloaded file. Edit the downloaded file and copy the contents into a buffer and then open the profile file created by Afterburner, delete all contents, and paste the contents of downloaded file into it and save.
Sorry if that sounds convoluted. You may have to edit the security of the file you are pasting into, so you can edit and save it.
06-22-2017 01:30 PM
Edd Luq wrote:
Guys, I've been following this guide and it's done wonders for my temperatures, just one thing; I removed the dust covers in the intake holes but I saw on the processor side some tapes on top of the dust cover. It looks like fiber and I also noticed that this intake is right above the Wifi card. Is this a conductive tape of some sort? I don't want to remove it if it somehow helps the wifi card get better signal but it is covering a big part of the hole.
Any help on this would be appreciated as I have not heard this tape mentioned in any of the previous posts.
06-23-2017 08:19 AM
Kvwilliams wrote:
I wondered about the exact same thing at the time I had my back cover off. Like, why would that tape even be there on top of the vent and it does look weird for tape (perhaps conductive?). I ultimately decided not remove the tape or even the dust covers for that matter since the results of the drilled holes and undervolting turned out so well. But as dwyt326 said (and others who must've removed it to remove the dust covers), haven't reported any noticeable detrimental effects. Maybe leave it for last so you can see if you can achieve desirable temperatures first?
07-05-2017 02:44 AM
07-05-2017 02:58 AM
StarJack wrote:
The new GL702VMK BIOS v303 is out today folks. Hopefully there are some changes improving heat and performance. I'll do some testing and report my own findings back.
07-05-2017 06:51 AM
07-05-2017 07:42 AM
Leader2light wrote:
GL702VM here. I am running at 85c cpu and 89c gpu. Is this going to burn out or can chips take these temps. So far no issues, but want to think long term. We do get 1 year warrenty right?
Wont system auto shutdown so burnout is not a risk?