Howdy there partners! Problem is simple, story short: I've had problems with my sound saturating/crackling as hell ever since I bought my laptop, which I fixed some months ago. No biggies. However, something new came up like 2-3 days ago, when the sound would start crackling (again), then downright stop thereafter (I mean every sound), and eventually start crackling again when I moved my mouse/did some random task like opening a file or program, etc. Tweaking with the audio format did the trick for a while. A while meaning 5 minutes. I then uninstalled my audio driver (Conexant, reinstalled, even updated to, worked like a charm. No more crackling, sound came back, happy ending, roll credits. Oh but plot twist: the "Disable all enhancements" check box is now absent, but seems to keep activating (or, maybe, every enhancement checkbox keep deactivating) as soon as I close the sound window. Namely, the Night Mode, which is a lifesaver when watching some movies with people/rocking the casbah with some loud ass music. So here is: how can I make that checkbox come out of its hiding place ? And/or, make sure audio enhancements stay activated ?
By the by, exploitation system: Windows 10 64-bits.
Thx by advance buds!