Here is the fix for your issue. Its just a configuration that needs to be changed because of Windows 8.1
Open Control Panel--->Network and Internet--->Network and Sharing Center
Click on Wi-Fi(*Your SSID*)
Click on properties--->Configure--->Power Management
Uncheck "Allow the computer to turn off this device to save power"
Connect to your Modem using an ethernet cable or try your luck connecting it with Wi-Fi.
Open your browser and type in and press enter.
You will need to login to your modem.
By default,
username : admin
password : admin
If you changed them,
username : your_username
password : your_password
Once you login, click on Wireless and you will see the wireless settings
1) Click on Wireless Security and set the Security Mode to WPA2 only. WPA mode to be set to WPA2-PSK.
2) Channel/Wireless Channel should be set to CH1 or just 1 in a few modems (by default its set to auto)
3) 802.11 mode should be set to 802.11b/g/n
4) Bandwidth should be set to 20 M
You are done! No more issues connecting to your Wi-Fi network evry time you reboot your PC or Modem.
And this fix is tried and tested on Windows 8.1