06-19-2019 04:42 PM
06-20-2019 04:17 PM
06-20-2019 05:40 PM
06-20-2019 09:14 PM
06-21-2019 01:29 AM
The problem with high performance pads are not the thickness, but well, their performance compared to what comes stock from the factory, k5-pro.
By using high performance thermal pads you're dumping even more heat into an already saturated heatsink. VRMs don't need to be cooled as much as CPUs and GPUs do. They are usually rated to 120c or more and are probably working at around 90c from the factory, which is totally fine. You will gain literally nothing by lowering those temps.
08-06-2020 11:20 PM
hexaae wrote:
Are you sure of this theory? It makes sense but… Did you test yourself different pads with different W/mK?
08-12-2020 05:35 AM
08-16-2020 04:29 PM
TaitOgr wrote:
For me K5 PRO is by far the best solution.
You mention that it gets dry but I have one system running for 6 years now and I don't even have to add new K5 every time I clean the heatsink.
I just reuse what is already there because it is like new.
08-29-2020 02:29 PM
09-07-2020 01:26 PM
hexaae wrote:
Yes I do not recommend K5 Pro. I tested many combos of pads from different brands and W/mK, 5 different thermal pastes (including Gelid GC Extreme, NT-H2, MX4 etc.). This is the result of K5 on another GL703GS after 3 months:
Saying it gets "dry" maybe is not the correct term since it's actually still viscous white silicone-like, but as you can see there are holes and cracks. No good.
Some think it's like the white factory paste from ASUS, but it's not, and the ASUS one won't degrade like this.
Gelid GC Extreme for CPU/GPU. Replaced with 0.5mm >4 W/mK pads on VRAM, and 1mm 6 W/mK pads on the VRMs above CPU (those shiny silver Inductors chokes + the small black MOSFETs stripe behind): so far the BEST temps ever had and the most reliable and stable over time benchmarks in every AAA game* without micro-stuttering anymore due to randomly throttling VRMs, usually degrading performance after some months with K5.
Another interesting thing FYI: I tested also different pads with different W/mK up to Gelid ones (12 W/mK) and didn't make a difference compared to 4-6 W/mK.
CPU keeping 3.8GHz during whole test (that's why 96°C max), Balanced fan mode, and a good bench result for i7-8750h (sometimes reached ~1300), just to prove I'm not saying BS.
*AAA games
Not lightweight engines like CODs or Fortnite and similar most people play that easily give low temps anyway... but demanding engines like those of Rise/Shadow of the Tomb Raider, Lords of the Fallen, Witcher 3, Hitman 2, Red Dead Redemption 2 etc.