Hello! Thats my first Asus ROG laptop( GL504GM , i7-8750h + GTX 1060 + 16GB RAM) and i have few problems that i encounter and cannot find a fix for them.
From few days im trying to figure it out,why im getting that nasty FPS drops when i play lets say GTA or BF1 on Medium or High settings,currently using Intel XTU to monitor my temps, well they are pretty good ( 71-75, no power Power limit throttling, no Thermal Throttling). When i start the game, first 10 minutes are okay but after that my FPS goes down from 90 to 25 for few seconds and goes back to 90 , and this every half a minute.As far as i see from Intel XTU, CPU and GPU are not overheating or someting,not sure whats happening.Tried Overclocking,reinstall drivers, reinstall clean Windows,changing power plans, max perfomance from 100% to 99% etc. and the problem still persist.First i thought it may be the Intel Turbo Boost , disabled it from Throttestop and the thing still getting my fps down. I dont know what to do more. Any suggestions what could be ? Thanks in advance!:mad: