Hello there,
I am a GL502V's owner for about 3-4 years now and need to replace a few things that are broken. Unfortunately, I live in Brazil and don't have a lot of options for replacement, except for a brother that lives in USA and can ship the new parts for me.
So, here is the situation: battery is dead. I need a replacement and found these two options (the second one ships directly to Brazil). I just want to have some opinion if these are going to work and the better option:
https://pt.aliexpress.com/item/4000302307549.html?gatewayAdapt=glo2bra&spm=a2g0o.search0304.0.0.4dcc...The second problem, my E key is broken and also need replacament. I found a store that sells it, but I'm having trouble idetifying the hinge type (IC06 or IC07). Can anybody help with this?
https://www.replacementlaptopkeys.com/asus-gl502vs-rog-keyboard-keys-replacement/Thank you so much!