A few weeks ago I was sitting on my new GL502 and suddenly I heard a loud drilling noise coming from the computer. Naturally, I was worried that something was faulty, but as the performance of the computer was unaffected I decided to be patient and see if the noise would occur again. Fortunately it did not, but now whenever I start up the computer, or start up a PC game, I notice that there is a distinct clicking noise which I am only able to attribute to a faulty fan. Whenever I play GTA 5 or BF4 the fan is definitely overworked and loud when it works (even on the lowest settings @ 1280x786!). I did not expect this to be the case with my new GL502.
Furthermore, I loaded up ROG Gaming Center while playing BF4 on ultra settings, which enabled me to notice that temperatures exceeded ninety degrees Celsius! This cannot be normal in any way, shape or form, I contend. And when I reduce the settings to low (and turn the resolution down), temp is still above eighty degrees Celsius. Definitely not what I expected.
Lastly, I cannot play any game without having the battery plugged in, otherwise I experience some serious graphics lag. Even if the battery is fully charged it has to be plugged in in order to run a game smoothly.
I would like to believe that these issues are the result of one primary thing: faulty production. I bought the PC less than two months ago, so my warranty is still valid. Is this a production error? Can I get my money back for 1) faulty product and 2) being a highly dissatisfied customer? I want to purchase a desktop computer, because this experience has completely wiped out any trust I've had with both ASUS and laptop gaming PCs.
In short, should I take the computer to the retailer, explain the issues I'm having and ask for my money back?
Thank you in advance.