So I've had my ASUS ROG Strix GL703G for a few months now, but recently it's been having a very crippling issue. Each time a key is pressed down with a little bit of force (a very light press is fine, but anything as hard as a typical typing press will cause it) the laptop instantly restarts to the bootup screen. Some of the keys don't cause this, but after testing it several times, it's the center area of the keyboard that causes this (keys R, T, Y, U, F, G, H, J, V, B, N, M, 4, 5, 6, 7, the spacebar sometimes, and even the little space between the touchpad and the spacebar). Basically, press down in that area, laptop restarts over and over and over. Sometimes it just restarts when its picked up or placed down onto a table. I'm suspecting those keys or something inside the frame is causing a short. Anybody have an idea to why this is happening and where I should go from here?