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G74SX cooling fan

Level 7
ok i bought a G74SX about 2 years now and i sure do use it a lot for games
well about 2 weeks ago one of the cooling fans when bad (it has 2) so i decide to change the part myself and im having trouble finding this type of fan. i when to asus store website and they don't carry it, i even called them and they said the same thing. i when to the store near me for pc parts and they said they don't sell those but they can change it for you ( i said no thank you my laptop is currently open in my house at this moment) well anyways
my problem is i can't find a replacement i already ordered a fan thinking that was it and it came out too thin seems like they have two different kind of sizes with the same model and the one i need is the thick one not thin.

the numbers are KSB06105HB it has some other numbers im not sure if they are useful 1608FQR the fan is made from Delta Electronics please if anyone knows where i can find part for the G74SX i would be verry thankful

btw the thin fan i order is currently inside the laptop and i been monitoring the temps when playing games and i noticed they are a little higher then normal so im kind of worried temps used to be 54c - 58c now 58c - 64c so a thick fan to a thin one makes a difference and i also had to make some puzzle on the thin fun to make it sit on the old one since is too small i broke the old fan to put inside the other yea my computer sounds like a patched up laptop now

Level 9
you want to change by youself, i suggest you don't do for this, you shold be send back to ASUS service center, it is more guarantee.

well i already opened it and mess with it im not going to send to asus im sorry but i made twitches to it i have a fan that shouldn't be inside and etc

if theres a website where i can buy this fan pls let me know

Level 7
anyone know of a website? please i really need this fan =/

Level 8
Asus E-store used to sell it, not sure why they stopped..... another thing to piss off G74 users....... its super simple to replace, dont waste your money sending it to Asus..... Only place I could find:
GL702VSK / GTX 1070 / M.2 960 EVO

HTPC MINI-ITX / FRACTAL CORE 500 / GIGABYTE GA-AB350N / GTX 1050 Ti Windforce OC 4G / RYZEN 5 1600 3.9GHz / M.2 960 EVO / G.SKILL Ripjaws V Series 3200MHz
ASUS G74SX-XC1 / INTEL 7260 AC / Samsung 850 PRO / TUNIQ TX-4 / BIOS 203 / 335.23

Also try posting on a more technical Laptop Forum..... they might be able to help....probably other laptops that use the same fan
GL702VSK / GTX 1070 / M.2 960 EVO

HTPC MINI-ITX / FRACTAL CORE 500 / GIGABYTE GA-AB350N / GTX 1050 Ti Windforce OC 4G / RYZEN 5 1600 3.9GHz / M.2 960 EVO / G.SKILL Ripjaws V Series 3200MHz
ASUS G74SX-XC1 / INTEL 7260 AC / Samsung 850 PRO / TUNIQ TX-4 / BIOS 203 / 335.23

i have the G74SX its thicker from the back so the fans are actually thicker as well sadly the new ones are thinner

Level 12
Assuming you're willing to assume the risks, I'd suggest trolling ebay and craigslist for someone with a G74 that they are parting out for whatever reason, so long as it doesn't involve the fans obviously.

Level 7
the link to the website is actually the one i order which is not the right one, that one is the thin one and i also got the seriel number
13gn5610p170-1 if this can help with finding it all i find is nothing but used fans and refurbish ones this is bull **** really

Level 8
cl-scott, whats the reason asus removed the fans from the E-Store ? Is it to force G74 users to send it to them for repair, pretty ridiculous if so lol.
GL702VSK / GTX 1070 / M.2 960 EVO

HTPC MINI-ITX / FRACTAL CORE 500 / GIGABYTE GA-AB350N / GTX 1050 Ti Windforce OC 4G / RYZEN 5 1600 3.9GHz / M.2 960 EVO / G.SKILL Ripjaws V Series 3200MHz
ASUS G74SX-XC1 / INTEL 7260 AC / Samsung 850 PRO / TUNIQ TX-4 / BIOS 203 / 335.23