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Flaky Keyboard Keys

Level 7
I don't have much to complain about the G75, it's freaking awesome. Even though I fell victim to Asus live update utility trying to update both USB3.0 drivers and the quick charge drivers w/o reboot which broke USB. Sub-woofer issue doesn't bother me at all, and I've never had a gaming laptop run cooler than this one 660M < 70C in game.

But I can't believe there has been no complaints about the keys on the keyboard being kinda flaky.

I find that while typing, if I happen to click on the corner of a key, particularly the top-left corner of a key, it won't type. More so with my weaker fingers, like my pinky or ring finger. And the increase in Typos is driving me nuts as I also use the laptop for coding.

I removed some of the keys to look under it , and it seems that the little rubber caps under the keys are way too thin. And when I click on the corner of the key, it bends to the side instead of sinking straight down and making contact.

Does anyone find that they are missing key strokes a lot more with the G75, and the keys just feel really flaky.

Level 13
I've never even heard of that issue.

Never had that problem with my G75.

Are you typing at improper angles?
USA ASUS Reseller

To answer your question, no I'm sitting up right and I know how to type properly. I type for a living. I'm on the computer for 10-12 hrs a day between work and gaming. I've had the G75 for almost 2 months and I don't think it is a matter of getting used to it anymore.

But I hope this isn't a problem with just my keyboard. Meaning, I could've taken it back to get it replaced. I bought it at BB, and had 45 days to exchange. But those 45 days have passed.

This is one of the complaints with my G75... the keyboard it's really bad. The space bar is on an angle, down on one side up in the air on the other end. Some of the keys have a "hump" in them and some are askew...makes it hard to type and sometimes the keys do not even work.
Any ideas? RMA or send it in to be fixed? I could still return it but got it on sale. The thing that bothers me is the shipping and turn around time, 3days each way and maybe another 9 days for repairs. Not sure what to do at this point. Are we the only 2 that have a flakey keyboard?

Level 10
Nope, u guys r not alone.. Ive got two in my house, ones mine and ones my brothers both G75vw 3D model..
And on both i have noticed this 'flakey keyboard' as you call it.. Its not that its broken or anything but i do notice that when playing games i have to put a bit more pressure on the 'W' key to move around or sometimes when sprinting in game with 'shift' i will stop sprinting because i did not keep enough pressure on the shift key even though it is still pressed :s

Its weird, but i feel it less evident when im typing.. only when im gaming and have to hold keys down i do notice the flakeyness.. but ye i dont think u guys need to go n return/repair anything.. i think its just the way it is lol.. other than that i have no other complaints about this device, its quite a beast of a rig imo 🙂

Level 11
I have tested every possible way of pressing the keys from day one. Both G55 and G75 have very good keyboards.

Everything related to keyboard/pad work extremly well.

My only problem was with Asus smart detector, that is rubbish. Took me a while to figure it out.

Level 7
I too find that the keys on this keyboard seem to require more pressure to operate and they must be struck correctly ie. square on. In a word, the chiclet keyboard on this laptop sucks compared to the Alienware m17x keyboard I switched from.

Level 11
1111222233334444555566667777ssssddddccccvvvvbbbbnnnnjjjjllll and numpad 7777888899995555++++11113333

If you wonder what that is, I'll tell you. All four corners of those keys. Both G55 and G75 work well. I do not understand the problem at all. Maybe it's just different from what you are used to. Bad? Nope. I have used many laptops to date. These have a good keyboard.

Level 7
Yes, I don't think the keyboard is bad either. Just different in a worse way in IMO. I prefer the keyboard style of my previous laptop over this one but I'm getting used to it. This is my first chiclet style keyboard. For some reason, it seems the keys are slightly farther apart too. I feel like I'm reaching more than my old machine. Perhaps my old keyboard was a 90% size or something like that and since I used it for 4 years, it was very used to it.

Level 10
im pretty happy w/ my g75's keybd, never had that issue w/ my current g75 (my keys feel pretty solid), buuuut, im currently on my 3rd g75 and the 1st one i had, had a flaky keybd like that. i do like my g74's keybd better though, it just feels more solid.
ROG Notebooks: G75VW, G74SX, & G73JH And a gaming rig.