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Calling all GL502VSK owners

Level 8
Hey everyone, glad you could make it.

I've had my GL502VSK (7700HQ/GTX 1070) for a couple weeks now and have it running "normally" at the moment. First week was spent in limbo because it didn't come with a charger and when I used my 180w charger from my GL552VW it tripped the breaker inside the PSU instantly whenever I tried to play anything remotely graphical (even did it playing Detention until I capped the frames at 60 FPS). Anywho, ordered a 230w charger and all is well. Now, onto the main topic.

What are your thermals looking like?

First thing I did was take it apart and repaste the GPU and CPU with Conductonaut but I don't know if I just suck at applying but whenever I use it I don't get crazy results like everyone has. Though this is my third time applying I felt I did a thorough job. Tempted to try a traditional paste and see if there is a difference.

In some teardown videos I noticed that there were thermal pads on the chips like other laptops I've looked inside of while mine was slathered with thermal paste.

About all I've done besides the repaste is give a good cleaning to the fans and heatsinks as well as the board and casing, there was a fair amount of dust but nothing crazy. I've tried ThrottleStop and limited it to 3.4ghz on boost as well as applied a -0.130mv undervolt to the CPU and cache but I'm not keen on limited the performance of the CPU if I can help it. I tried changing the curve of the GPU in Afterburner to 1800mhz @ 850mv as a suggestion from someone else running the same hardware but it always crashed on me. He also said he setup a custom fan profile in Notebook Fan Control using the GL702VS profile. I don't really know what I'm doing there and he was vague about specifics. The help started to fall off.

I use Rise of the Tomb Raider as my benchmark game because my system becomes the hottest while playing it.

With a -0.130mv CPU undervolt via XTU, fans on 100%, cooling pad fans on 100%, peak of 3.8ghz I was seeing 86c on the CPU while only 77c on the GPU. Normally the GPU always runs hotter for me but it actually stays quite a bit cooler than the CPU in my system.

I know the temperatures are not horrible for a laptop but that's with all the fan noise in the world to keep it tame. I'm just wondering what everyone else is seeing for temperatures and what you've done to combat them.

Level 11
I got my CPU undervolted to -0.120 and GPU running at 1835mhz/0.875mv. Everything else is stock (paste, fan curve, no cooling pad, etc.), except for two rubber feet on the back to raise it about 5mm.
Running furmark only, GPU stays at around 73c. Furmark + Prime95 = GPU hovers at around 77c and CPU at 90c.
Heaven Benchmark never pushes the gpu beyond 72c.

Level 7
How did u get your gpu to 1835 and does you system show voltage, power or thermal limit?
i tried getting mine to 1772mhz at 850mv it isnt stable 1772. can you show me your profile or upload it.

Back to topic: i UVed both cpu by -120mv and gpu at 850mv (1772mhz) i did not repaste yet
Gpu is always below 80 and cpu below 85 im just having the fans at 100% using NoteBookFancontrol just download it (beta version) and select gl703vm it works for all gl5/7xx laptops.

Level 11
I just edited the curve on msi afterburner. It's not an ideal one but it works for me. Not really a curve, it's more like a step LOL. It starts at 1721@800mv then jumps to 1823@875mv. I can actually be a little more agressive than that (1750@800 / 1860@875), but some games don't really like it, like NFS Payback. Everything else runs fine, but since the performance/temp gains are very minimal between the two, I just prefer to be more conservative. It is 100% stable the way it's running right now, also faster and cooler than stock.
It does show the voltage and power limits. I'm using the msi afterburner overlay.


Thanks for responding guys. Always good to communicate with fellow owners.

Anywho, attached is a graph of the stock GPU curve via Afterburner vs the 1800mhz @ 850mv curve I made at the recommendation of a fellow GL502VSK owner.

However, whenever I apply it it's not long before the game freezes and crashes. It was also recommended to adjust the whole curve by holding shift first then smoothing it out. I don't know who is right I just know it's not stable lol. Maybe I need to increase the mhz?

Wischmaster wrote:
Thanks for responding guys. Always good to communicate with fellow owners.

Anywho, attached is a graph of the stock GPU curve via Afterburner vs the 1800mhz @ 850mv curve I made at the recommendation of a fellow GL502VSK owner.

However, whenever I apply it it's not long before the game freezes and crashes. It was also recommended to adjust the whole curve by holding shift first then smoothing it out. I don't know who is right I just know it's not stable lol. Maybe I need to increase the mhz?

Not all chips come out the same from the factory. Maybe that's too much for yours. You can try increasing the voltage or lowering the frequency.

Wischmaster wrote:
Thanks for responding guys. Always good to communicate with fellow owners.

Anywho, attached is a graph of the stock GPU curve via Afterburner vs the 1800mhz @ 850mv curve I made at the recommendation of a fellow GL502VSK owner.

However, whenever I apply it it's not long before the game freezes and crashes. It was also recommended to adjust the whole curve by holding shift first then smoothing it out. I don't know who is right I just know it's not stable lol. Maybe I need to increase the mhz?

mine doesn't crash but downclocks instead when i do something similar. is yours stable 18xxmhz? i can mine pretty high on 60 fps games like 189xmhz but 120 and above it just downclocks while showing pwr lim . i wonder why is it power, thermal or something else..?

speed99x wrote:
mine doesn't crash but downclocks instead when i do something similar. is yours stable 18xxmhz? i can mine pretty high on 60 fps games like 189xmhz but 120 and above it just downclocks while showing pwr lim . i wonder why is it power, thermal or something else..?

That's normal, it's hitting the power limit. Mine goes at 1835mhz up until like 90% GPU utilization. Above that it downclocks to 1720mhz. That's how I set up the curve. 1720mhz@0.800mv and 1835mhz@0.875mv.