ROG Strix Series
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Forum Posts

GL553VE new BIOS v308... any thoughts?

Hi, did anyone updated the BIOS to the lastest version?not sure to update as my system works as a charm... and the web page only says "Improve system stability"woud ike to hear any comment

fedess by Level 7
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Need help finding sweet spot in ryzen master with GL702ZC

I need some guide on what to choose for memory control and memory voltage control as well as Voltage and Frequency speeds.I want to find the sweet spot using the laptop where I can game and get good performance and also get higher benchmarking test r...

80812 80813 80814 80815

GL702ZC Bios Help

I have pushed f8,9 and 10 at once to get into bios and it isn't the one I want...I want the red asus bios that lets you change the cpu and gpu.....and voltage....and,What do I need to learn and know and gather before I get in there?how man...

Fan Failure, Wear and Warranty GL503GE

Hello! About 5 months ago ago I bought an Asus ROG Strix GL503GE thinking that it would be an excellent notebook to be able to play and do my daily tasks. What happened? After a month the keys were peeled, only because of playing a couple of times a ...

Gpu fan gl503ge selalu full rpm

Halo, Nama saya Fikri. Saya butuh saran dari agan-agan sekalian.Saya baru beli ROG seri GL503GE agustus lalu di Surabaya, sekitar bulan November tahun lalu, GPU Fannya seperti meraung-raung (RPMnya naik turun). Saya coba kontak costumer service setem...

BamaFik by Level 7
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Gl504gm battery drain whilst off

Hi thereAs topic says, my gl504gm has started an issue, or I have only just noticed. When turned off with plenty of charge left, if I dont touch it for a few days and come to start it the battery is completely flat. Yes it was 100% switched off and n...

Rog strix hero 2 gl504gm dual vs single channel ram

Hi allI've just got the gl504gm laptop and it came with a single 16gb stick of ram. I feel the laptop is under performing and the fact it's running single channel ram is alarming. Will I benefit in gaming adding another 16gb stick to make it run in d...