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AsusRog Strix BSOD every day

Level 7

Hello, I have Asus Rog Strix G513IE bought around 1,5 years ago. I keep having bluescreens everyday, in random moments, sometimes using autocad, sometimes right after turning on, etc. On a few differnent laptop services they checked hardware: Ram, graphic cards, Memory test, all seems fine. I insalled windows from scratch and thought that it would help but it didnt. I updated BIOS, Chipsets, graphic cards, all seems to be updated, but nothing canges and i keep having bluescreens, sometimes every 30mins, sometimes after a few hours. I don't have any cracked programme. Usually, especially after installing windows agan I have the same error code, but not only. 


on windows 11on windows 11older, on windows 10older, on windows 10

Do you have any idea what couuld be the reason and how to solve it?


Level 12

You might want to post at Microsoft forums to see if anyone there could help.