08-08-2024 11:36 AM
Hello, I recently became the owner of Asus Strix G533QS. Overall, I find the laptop very nice, but I always like to improve this and that.
The first thing I want to do is clean the old paste and apply the new one. Which one do you recommend, PTM7950 or Kryonaut extreme?
I see that there is K5 Pro paste on the power section etc. But I wonder if it would be a better idea to put on Thermopads, I was thinking about it
Gelid GP-Ultimate, but I don't know what thickness, 0.5 or 1.5?
After these operations, I was thinking about changing the VGA bios, from what I see, people upload the 150W on the Techpower Up website, it is visible like this
https://www.techpowerup.com/vgabios/?architecture=NVIDIA&manufacturer=&model=RTX+3080&version=&inter... from Asus or MSI, have any of you done such an operation? I only came across a few threads
Currently, I have 11650 on my overclocked 200 Core and 300 Mem in TimeSpy.
I replaced the power supply with a 280W one to have a spare.