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Asus Strix G513QR CPU and GPU fans are not running above 2100RPM

Level 7

Hey guys, I have a Asus Strix G513QR gaming laptop bought in 2021. While gaming I used to hear fan noise when temps would go up which never bothered me because I knew it is keeping the CPU and GPU cool. But, now after sometime I started gaming again, I don't hear this fan noise anymore. It is quite like it used to during my non-gaming sessions and CPU stays hot and throttles a lot. Which is why now I get 15-20fps in RDR2 which used to be 60+fps before. I can see both fans are still running max at 2100rpm without any noise. Did asus limited the fan speed to avoid this noise? It is killing the CPU!

I have a latest BIOS 331 + windows update + all the asus software updates but nothing helped. Only thing works is either keeping the laptop's bottom panel open so it can remain cool. Or I have to keep the room temperature super cool so the laptop doesn't get hot.

If someone from asus support sees this please fix this issue and release a patch as soon as possible!