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Asus ROG Strix Scar 18 G834JY Micro stutters and freezes

Level 9

In general, let's start from the very beginning. I recently bought this laptop for myself and began to notice problems in many games with microfreezes and instability. I myself have already contacted the sales store and Asus employees, this is what I can say. I'm still thinking whether to take my laptop in for service or not.

Let me note right away that I used both Turbo\Max and Turbo\Standard modes.

Honestly, I'm paranoid about technology and maybe that's my insanity.

I tried all the methods and options for solving problems and I will list all the options here separately and the sources (maybe this will help you)


1. Banal reinstallation or restoration of Windows 11 :

Everything was simple here, I went to system > recovery > Restore the computer to its original state. After that, I reinstalled the video card drivers, but before that I removed the old ones using DDU (Display Driver Uninstaller). Then a full update to Win 11 and Armory Crate.

In the video driver settings I changed two parameters:

Power Management Mode – Max. Performance

Low Latency Mode - Enabled

Did it help?  - it didn’t help (who would doubt it)


2. Removing AutoConnectHelper as the original source of problems

I found this post on Reddit and following this inst...


3. Restore the system in BIOS.

When I was looking for different options, I started studying the BIOS and found a recovery option there. I note that this is long, but I was forced to decide on this, since I was a fool and decided to try Win 10 and it was a terrible option. Then everything is the same as in the first point, but without reinstalling the video card drivers


4. Let's play with nvidia settings

I don’t remember where exactly, but I found this solution:

Power Management Mode - Max. Performance
Low Latency Mode - On
Preferred Refresh Rate - Highest Available
Stream Optimization - Off

G-Sync - OFF


5. Option from a girl from ASUS Ukraine technical support (She needs to be quieter and flip through the manual with answers faster))))

She advised installing a video driver from the official Asus website

ROG Strix SCAR 18 (2023) | Gaming Laptops|ROG - Republic of Gamers|ROG Global (


And now to illustrative examples of friezes:

Sorry that everything is in Russian, I’m from Ukraine, but for some reason Armory chooses Russian rather than English


Ultra DLSS

Min. graphics settings with DLSS Ultra performance


STAR WARS Jedi Survivor™

ultra, no DLSS, Frame Generation

Minimum graphics settings DLSS Ultra performance and Frame Generation


There are games that work almost perfectly. Cyberpunk 2077, Alan Wake 2, Control, Hitman 3, ELDEN RING (although there are criticisms here)


Cyberpunk 2077

Ultra+ DLSS Quality




Now the question is, is there a problem or did I needlessly torture people and support?))))








I definitely will try your method then I also would like to downgrade to windows 10 , if I restore the bios It would be a windows reset as well or just bios thing ? cause I never did that before , and where should i get the armoury crate that weighs 3 MB ?

NO NEED TO RESET ANYTHING!!!! Feel free to update. (I updated) You'll break your laptop if you reset the BIOS ineptly

My brother i really appreciate your help but this doesn't work for me.

The microstutter are barely noticable and are different for every games, those looks like a 0,1ms lag spike and comes randomly when turning with mouse. If you note this happens to the mouse even when you alt tab the game and dont game. In some games, it will stutter even when non gaming.

Im a vr player and this laptop was purchased for that, but as you know VR Is very sensible to microstutter and you can see those there too!!!!!

What seems to HELP is the nvidia driver hotfix 51.43 or something like that, released 5 days ago. BUT IT DOESN'T FIX IT!!!!! ****** YOU ASUS I SPENT A LOT OF MONEY!!

Also disabling efficent core is not the best option, because not only the laptop become less responsive but it can give performance only to specific games and not all, also even with those disabled i get those bas Spikes microstutter.

Hope we can find a fix. I'm starting to think cpu doesn't get enough wattage (power) because the gpu goes 140w the cpu 60w ma

Try to check wattage in OCCT.

I ve got on Gpu 173-181 watt

Cpu 135-155 watt.

Turbo mode.


i tried power test and i got a cpu wattage of 60/65/70, it spiked at 120w then goes down stable at 70w

gpu goes 170w and stay at that kinda

cpu seems limited somehow?

If i do a CPU only test it goes and stays at 145W but with the "Power tests" it's capped at 60w and that what happens in games somehow

Level 8

I was having stuttering in several games as well. I analysed every performance aspect and found out I was almost always thermal throttling the CPU in any game that was minimally demanding, so I ran across multiple people on the internet claiming a bad liquid metal aplication on asus side so I went ahead and had my laptop checked by a proffessional and this is what we found out, I believe this is the culprit. There is barely any liquid metal on both the CPU and GPU, a little bit on the sides of the chips, all is spilled on the sides of the DIY. The heatsink barely has any at all. All the cooling it was having was by direct contact with the heatsink so no wonder why the CPU couldn't keep up with demanding games. I'll get this fixed and I'll try to update with the results.


Thank you for this, i mean it's pretty well know in internet that ASUS doesn't apply well this.

But i think it's not only a themal problem, 13980hx tends to have spikes from 60° to 90° and if it doesn't get to 100° it does not thermal throttle as far i know. And in every game i try, it does not reach 100°. Yea the temps are pretty high tho, with a good repaste it will gets very good better temps and it will have more lifespan.

The microstutter are different in every game, also some games does not have the stutter specially if you cap the fps at 80 (10 or 20 fps less than the average you do) or so. 

I'm really suspicious that the cpu shouldn't just go 60W ingame, and the GPU gets too much wattage so the CPU doesn't have enough wattage and it clocks down or something. I wish good luck to all of us that are in this limbo. Also hope that this thermal throttle problem is fixed for you!

Oh! Also when you try to limit the power it works but when you put like PL1 175W and PLW 175W it doesn't work more than 60/80W depends. 

Another thing that seems to help the microstutter is going to windows -> cursor option -> advanced:

- disable mouse acceleration (movements)

- disable windows precise mouse