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Asus GL551JW DS71 Keyboard Backlight Issue

Level 7
I hate for this to be my first post on the forum but I just got stung by stoopid Windows 8.1. And mods, my problem is a little different as KB lights aren't flashing boot time. Please don't delete the thread.

I received my new notebook yesterday and everything was working fine. Then suddenly, I realised the keyboard wasn't lighting up. Basically the fn keys for the keyboard light aren't responding while all the others are and the Backlight is dead. Checked up Google and got to know this is a common Windows 8.1 sting that I just got stung with.
What makes my problem unique is that no amount of installing removing reinstalling ATK drivers for my laptop has solved this.
And the fact that the keyboard isn't lighting up while booting is also quite surprising. Can somebody help me out?

I don't think the keyboard light has a fault in its hardware because I just received it yesterday.

Unfortunately, the ATK fix didn't help.
My windows became too slow and I had to reinstall it. But restore to factory settings didn't work, so I had to install a fresh win 10 copy.
Everything seems to work except the keyboard backlight.
I tried ATK fix for my GL551GM with no luck. Tried restarting, ATK from other versions, nothing helps.
Other function keys work fine, but FN-F4 and FN-F3 are dead.
I found a workaround, I press FN-F1- this puts the comp to sleep and then after the wakeup, the keyboard is lit up.
I guess I could live with that.
If you know a fix, please let me know at max.rempel () gmail.

Laptop: GL551GM
OS Windows 10.