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Level 10
NEW BIOS Just released for the G75VW:

Change Log:

Fix the bug that there is 3D function-less of samsung panel.
(Hell knows that GOP means)

Download BIOS 223

Instructions to install new BIOS:

1) Unzip the file

2) Copy the G75VWAS.223 file on to a USB Flash Disk formatted in FAT16 or FAT32

3) Plug in your battery

4) Reboot your computer and hit F2 to enter BIOS

5) Go to the 2nd Tab (Advanced)

6) Start Easy Flash

7) Point it to your USB Flash Disk where you placed the BIOS file

😎 Start the FLASH process

9) Load Setup defaults

10) Enjoy

Level 7
Just updated my G75VW-BBK5 from version 207 to 223 with this method. Everything worked as it should have, and the only weird thing was Windows complaining about my ethernet driver not installing correctly... despite the device manager reporting it as working. I don't know what Windows was complaining about. I restarted, plugged in an ethernet cable, and opened Facebook just fine.

Also, I wasn't able to run Linux before. Now I can. ❤️


Note however that I don't have any SecureBoot or CSM options. My system was preloaded with Windows 7 and came with a key for Windows 8 (which I have not used). Anyone have any idea why these options are missing?

US Customer Loyalty Agent
Sycokinetic wrote:
Just updated my G75VW-BBK5 from version 207 to 223 with this method. Everything worked as it should have, and the only weird thing was Windows complaining about my ethernet driver not installing correctly... despite the device manager reporting it as working. I don't know what Windows was complaining about. I restarted, plugged in an ethernet cable, and opened Facebook just fine.

This may not be related to the LAN issue and Windows may have just needed a restart after the bios flash, but just wanted to remind people to reload the default bios settings after flashing the bios since every once in a while there could be some (strange?) problems if you forget to do this (especially when you go from a really old version to a new bios version?).

Sycokinetic wrote:

Note however that I don't have any SecureBoot or CSM options. My system was preloaded with Windows 7 and came with a key for Windows 8 (which I have not used). Anyone have any idea why these options are missing?

I'm seeing the same thing with my G75VW Win7 test unit running the 223 bios and haven't had a chance to look into it more.

Vicodin wrote:
Let the bricking begin!

If Sycokinetic was able to successfully flash from the bios Easy Flash loading the file from the hard drive instead of a USB drive, we might consider keeping a tally to see if we get less bios update failures loading the file from the hard drive (or ask people to not load the bios file from the USB drive).

I don't usually have much problem updating the bios, so just trying to figure out what is causing the failures for others.

Since there might still be failures loading the bios file from the hard drive, don't try it unless you have a good reason to update the bios and can take the chance of taking down your system, but if anybody has success or failure with a bios flash, try to let us know and how you flashed.

cl-Albert wrote:
If Sycokinetic was able to successfully flash from the bios Easy Flash loading the file from the hard drive instead of a USB drive

Uhhh, I was referring to the instructions on the first page: load the bios from a FAT32 USB drive. I did not load the file from the HDD. :s

I personally don't like the thought of doing so either, especially inside Windows. I don't know much about what it does with adding data to files and such, but a bios file is the last thing you want Windows to play with. 😕

My issue with the bluescreens happened after I Upgraded with EzFlash right out of the bios!

I just used the winflash to downgrade.

well anyways i was proably lucky, nothing went wrong during the downgrade 😄

Level 10
Let the bricking begin!

US Customer Loyalty Agent
Thanks for the clarification Sycokinetic.

I guess we can tally that to FAT 32 USB drive 1 and hard drive 0 so far with the bios Easy Flash.

Yes, just to clarify that I don't suggest using Winflash either since I don't like flashing inside Windows either.

When you use the bios Easy Flash there is an option to browse your drives for the external USB drive when plugged in or your hard drive too, so you can load the bios file from either source and wanted to check if this made any difference with the bios flash success rate, but it may not.

Level 7
Je n'ai pas rencontré de problème avec le Flash221 & 222 par contre là depuis que j'ai installé le 223 je n'ai plus axés à mes commandes (les partitions sont détecté mais je ne peux pas les régler) de plus le bios refuse le downgrad, y a t'il 1 firmware qui pourrais résoudre mon problème?
ici quelques copies écrans pour illustré mon problème, si quelqu'un a une idée ou des solutions, merci

Enfin je suis allé au magasin hardware ce matin, le technicien me dit de contacter ASUS pour optenir un frmware qui passerait au dessus de la mise à jour 223. Il me conseil de le faire par téléphone, mais je ne vois pas de téléphone pour ce genre de problème...
C'est la M.... (excusez moi)

Level 7

Tu peux downgrade au firmware precedent en installant Winflash. Il suffit d'avoir Winflash installe :

Tu lances une invited commande en mode administateur et tu tapes "cd C:\Program Files (x86)\ASUS\WinFlash "
et puis "Winflash /nodate"

Ca va te permettre de downgrader le firmware. Ne fais pas attention au warning en rouge qui va s'afficher dans Winflash.

Level 7
Problème je ne peux pas aller plus loin que le Bios (restreint), je ne peux donc pas ouvrir une invite de commande (sauf si c'est faisable avec UEFI, que j'arrive à ouvrir depuis une clé USB).
Merci [remmun] pour de t'être penché sur mon cas

US Customer Loyalty Agent
Personally, I prefer to copy/download the bios to the hard drive and flash from the bios skipping the USB drive altogether?