12-20-2024 06:28 AM
The biggest ASUS jokes are the newest BIOS updates. The downgrade function is locked, and there are power limitations. I'm sure no one can find a bigger joke than this. After the last update with BIOS 331, you are unable to downgrade the BIOS, and you get limited power for the CPU, with a maximum of 65 watts in games. If this isn't a joke, then what is? We buy laptops that have good performance at the beginning, but after a few updates, everyone gets limited performance. I don’t pay so much money to get this. At the beginning, it works great, until BIOS 321, when the limitations start. Then everyone is FFFFFFed... This is the same as if I bought a new Tesla that can hit 250 km/h, and after three firmware updates, the Tesla doesn't go more than 140 km/h.
I don’t want to use these limited BIOS versions, and I don’t want my BIOS to be locked because this is NOT MY PROBLEM. This is an INTEL problem, as they sell a problematic CPU. Intel is the biggest joke ever, and combined with ASUS, you get the best combination ever. The present you get for the holidays is an automatic BIOS update, without a notification, without any information about what changes are in this new BIOS. They don't even mention that the BIOS is locked, and you install the newest BIOS, and you get one limited piece of junk that you don’t like anymore. Your fun is gone because of these limitations! I’m sure no one cares about my game benchmarks or stats, but if I accidentally install the newest BIOS, all my fun with this laptop will be gone. I will start sending the laptop for service, and I will not stop until I get my money back, because no one pays so much money for these limitations!
And for everyone who thinks they don’t have changes in gameplay after these limitations, just go and try heavy CPU usage. Not games like Indiana Jones or other games that use 30% of the CPU—those are not heavy CPU games. In FPS games, you need high FPS without drops, not a 65-watt limited piece of junk.