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Asus 74Sx, Atheros Wireless issues

Level 7
I've browsed these forums pretty thoroughly and have found this issue quite a bit but it seems that everyone's issue has been resolved or they just never followed up.

Here is the problem I'm having. I have a Asus 74Sx just recently purchased. It works great but one thing. When I connect through my wireless i get sporadic latency.

I've run a ping test on it and for the most part i get 40-60ms but everyone so often I'll get a 200-1100 ms or even a time out. I' can usually deal with this on a day to day basis surfing the net but I'm a gamer. When I play League of legends in particular is where I feel it the most. I am constantly getting burst latency.

I've updated to the driver version, I've set my router up to use channel 1, 6 and 11 like the website says. Nothing works. I've run the Dpclat tool to check my DPC latency. It runs green and sometimes goes yellow with a jump into red every few minutes.

Does anyone have any advice or help or am I just SOL on this product?

Level 14
If you can confirm Atheros v. is installed, I recommend disabling other drivers one at a time in Device Manager to try and find the source of your latency.
G74SX-A1 - stock hardware - BIOS 202 - 2nd Monitor VISIO VF551XVT

I would reccomend uninstalling the driver and installing off Asus's site. Then going into your adapters properties and disabling the "bluetooth highspeed" option. Cleared up all problems i was having with my card.
-i7-3610QM -16GB DDR3
-256GB Patriot SSD -Nvidia GTX 670M 3GB
-1TB HHD Storage

Thanks n1ghtl1fe! I installed those drivers and it seems to alleviated my issues.