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[Ask] Asus ROG GL503VD - DOTA 2 FPS

Level 7

I have bought myself my first gaming laptop which is Asus ROG GL503VD Hero Edition.

The specs are :
RAM 8GB DDR4 2400mhz
Nvidia GTX 1050 4GB
120hz Screen

I tested only 2 games up until now which is Overwatch and DOTA 2. In Overwatch I got around 80-90fps with high settings, but in DOTA 2 i only got 70-80 with max settings (Best Looking option, Vsync off, fps limiter at 120fps). A I tried to lower the settings but it still couldn't improve the fps, even when I set it to the lowest setting (Fastest option) it still goes around only 80fps while I expect it should go up to 100+ fps.

I also tried to change some settings from Nvidia Control Panel (from searching to several forums) but it still didn't not improve at all. So I'm beginning to wonder whether is it the max fps my laptop could get in DOTA 2 or it should be higher? Perhaps anyone with the same or similar laptop specs could share their experience because some reviews mention that with Asus ROG GL503VD (GTX1050 4GB) should get around 110fps in max settings (on of them :, thanks.

Level 7
When i sort my issue out i will install DOTA2 and check for you and let you know what i get.

In the meantime could you goto my thread and see if you have my issue? Its relation to the laptop hardware.